Cleaned my ears out


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008
With this black wolf ear at Walmart cleaner I turned on my cellphone was blown away what I been missing I had 1/4 peanut sized chunks of ear debris fall into the sink after using it. I don't have access to one of those Thai salons otherwise I would go there.
The thing is now I wonder how good headphones will sound. My ears always had tinitus so now I hear them ringing which kinda sucks. Maybe after the irrigation it will go away faster.

This thing here cost arm and leg though. 50.00 but got 5.00 with discount card it gave me bad vertigo first time I used it.
I can hear the stuff in my room I usually ignore like the sound of the fan and keyboard presses being typed I didn't know what I was missing out on for maybe 48 years.
I guess ear wax to prevent infections which is good but not the stuff you can't get at without a q-tip that just presses it it farther in the ear.
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I just do it like I did when I was a kid, fill each side up with hydrogen peroxide and it breaks down and clears all the wax out. Super easy and cheap, using the same bottle I bought 6 years ago.
I just do it like I did when I was a kid, fill each side up with hydrogen peroxide and it breaks down and clears all the wax out. Super easy and cheap, using the same bottle I bought 6 years ago.
OK I did that a few times maybe a few months ago but this contraption is better. I can hear the Radio and even the keys on a keyboard are crispy.
That contraption seems a bit foofy and overpriced, but if it gives you an easy and repeatable process that you have become comfortable with and have used effectively then I'd say $50 is worth it.

But really, I don't think that it's doing anything that you couldn't do just using something like this, which is what I use:

The drops soften everything up, but what really does most of the work is the green "bulb" thing, which you use to both shoot water into and suck water out of your ear canal. It's very basic but also extremely effective once you get the hang of it, and I actually like having direct control over the flow of water into my ear canal as opposed to sticking some kind of electrical water pump into my ear. But again, whatever works for you.
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That contraption seems a bit foofy and overpriced, but if it gives you an easy and repeatable process that you have become comfortable with and have used effectively then I'd say $50 is worth it.

But really, I don't think that it's doing anything that you couldn't do just using something like this, which is what I use:

The drops soften everything up, but what really does most of the work is the green "bulb" thing, which you use to both shoot water into and suck water out of your ear canal. It's very basic but also extremely effective once you get the hang of it, and I actually like having direct control over the flow of water into my ear canal as opposed to sticking some kind of electrical water pump into my ear. But again, whatever works for you.
Just a curious bystander here.
Does anyone have a breakdown of the ingredients used? I mean for posterity now?
I appreciate the input of both of youz here. Let us stick to the [H] formula of competitive mocking but with a strong sense of an overriding companionship.
Please do you best.
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Does anyone have a breakdown of the ingredients used? I mean for posterity now?

Regarding the product I linked, the active ingredient in the drops that are used to soften up the ear wax is 6.5% carbamide peroxide. Very similar to Hydrogen Peroxide, but described as: "a white crystalline solid chemical compound composed of equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and urea. It contains solid and water-free hydrogen peroxide, which offers a higher stability and better controllability than liquid hydrogen peroxide when used as an oxidizing agent."

But the actual bulb, which again is what does most of the work, is simply meant to be used with warm tap-water.
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This thing here cost arm and leg though. 50.00 but got 5.00 with discount card it gave me bad vertigo first time I used it.
I can hear the stuff in my room I usually ignore like the sound of the fan and keyboard presses being typed I didn't know what I was missing out on for maybe 48 years.
I guess ear wax to prevent infections which is good but not the stuff you can't get at without a q-tip that just presses it it farther in the ear.

Does it have HDMI 2.1?