X79 Motherboard Dead?


Nov 29, 2010
It was time for another GPU upgrade so I had just finished rebuilding my water cooling loop and after powering on, the motherboard started beeping and gave me error code 67, which apparently is also error code B7. It did that several times where it would power cycle and begin beeping at me while flashing error code 67. Every other time I've rebuilt a loop I've never had any issues.

I tried removing all the RAM except for trying a single DIMM in slot 1. Then when powering on the computer it would not enter it's immediate power cycle, but would hang for several minutes go for about one second, trip, and then reset.

Holding in the back to bios button along with removing the CMOS battery didn't help things. It looks like status light K might be flashing red very briefly, but the flash is too fast to be sure.

Is it dead Jim? I hope not as I had not wanted to finally replace the core components till Alder Lake vs. Ryzen 3 V-cache was settled.
Did you try a different DIMM in slot 1, the one you tried might be dead.
after cycling through all the ram a second time, one stick is now apparently compatible again and is advancing the computer to code 51. As far I'm aware that's USB and PCI. After having unplugged both the keyboard and the mouse (the only usb items there) I'm still getting code 51 which would mean the new GPU. And yes, I've just now tried seating the GPU in both 16x wired PICe slots.

Edit update rather than making a new post: Even with the working stick, multiple memory slots appear dead. So even presuming there isn't an incompatibility with the new GPU (which would be funny if that were caused by a bios reset), not having the memory slots available plus possibly having dead ram means that board and/or cpu has probably reached its end.

2nd Edit update: re-transplanted old gpu back in and got different error codes.

Just ordered ordered same day delivery of an 11900K w/ a MSI Z590 Pro and 32GB of DDR4 which will become the "new " adobe acrobat machine once my home computer gets a proper change over. Really funny thing is that the 11900K is briefly going to be cooled with a hyper 212 since that was the only reasonable air cooler available for same day and will keep until I can get an appropriate water block.
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Well it could be the motherboard is warped, from what I rread these motherboards had a tendency to do that, you remounting stuff may have been what caused it, remounting the CPU and cooling might help.
I have a TH-10 case. The motherboard tray is a removable test bench and the motherboard remained screwed into the tray/test bench the entire time. I'm considering it dead.
X79? If you want a spare CPU to test with I have an i7-3820 laying around. It's the slowest CPU you can put on an X79 board aside from some low end Xeons. In other words it's not worth enough to get me to bother selling it. I swapped it out for an 8 core Xeon from eBay. Worked when I pulled it.

My gut says it's probably the board. Sounds like you've already moved on. Fair enough. That's what I'd do. Actually I already did. The X79 box isn't my main rig anymore, and if the machine went belly up I'd just use it as an excuse to do a new build. I just keep it around since it's got lots of PCI-e slots and 64GB and so far it's still fast enough as a second rig.

At any rate, if anyone needs the slowest X79/Socket 2011 i7 ever made to test with and you're in the US hit me up. Maybe elsewhere depending on shipping charges. Canada might be ok. I'll just give you the thing. Just "pay it forward" when you're done with it and send it to the next member who needs to test an dead X79 box.
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