Worth upgrading 2700x to 5600g?


Feb 22, 2011
I picked up a 5600G for $186, plan to sell the 2700x for $140 or so. Is it worth the upgrade/convenience? Seems about 20% faster in games. I have a x570 motherboard.
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Your thread title says 5600G but your post says 5700G. If it's a 5700G, I'd say go for it. Make sure you update the BIOS first.
What resolution you playing at? I'm still running a 2700X and am still entirely GPU limited at my 3440x1440 resolution in all of the games I've played recently and whenever I'm not I'm capping my performance at 120 Hz anyways for my monitor. So I wouldn't unless you're seeing your CPU hold you back in any way. I'm still waiting for a sub $250 5800X deal before replacing my CPU and only to future hold me over for another year or two on this platform and not really because I think any games will benefit from it right now. Otherwise I think that money could be better spent on other components if you can (i.e. more/faster RAM, more/faster storage, etc.).

I had to build my system before my last move overseas and was planning on immediately upgrading to Zen 2 at the time when it came out. But honestly even with Zen+'s relatively lackluster performance compared to its successors, I haven't really felt the need to replace it yet in for any games at least.
Shoot. I meant 5600G (not 5700G). I play at 1440p with a GTX 3070. Most games are not very CPU limited except for outliers like CyberPunk or Tombraider
Personally I wouldn't pair a 6-core CPU with a 3070 or above, as it seems a bit lopsided to me despite it probably not bottlenecking in most games at this point, it will soon though I think. So if I were you I would hold out for the next 8+ core CPU you can get a good deal on, just as I am. Another thing to note about the G CPUs, is that they have half the cache as the X CPUs and that has shown to hurt many games at higher frame rates as well.
The 5600G is a bit faster than the 3600 and a bit slower than the 5600X.

The 2700X lags behind the 3600 in gaming but will win via brute force in some multithreaded applications.

If gaming is all you do, maybe this is a no brainer, although a 5600X will still be the better option if you have a DGPU (sell both and get the 5600X?).

Also, update the BIOS before you pop in the new chip!
The 5600G provides better performance in most cases compared to a 2700X. Drop it in there, sell the 2700X and enjoy the $46 upgrade. I venture to guess you went with the 5600G instead of the 5600X or 5800X because of the sale price of $186.
Even though it would probably give you more performance in many cases, that really sucks to go from an 8-core CPU to a 6-core CPU. Those two extra cores are going to continue to become more important over time.
Even though it would probably give you more performance in many cases, that really sucks to go from an 8-core CPU to a 6-core CPU. Those two extra cores are going to continue to become more important over time.

By the time that happens, both CPUs will be irrelevant.
Even though it would probably give you more performance in many cases, that really sucks to go from an 8-core CPU to a 6-core CPU. Those two extra cores are going to continue to become more important over time.
Yeah, its kinda cringe -- but when the 3600 launched, it made my 2700x pretty jealous. My favorite game at the time Mechwarrior online had 20-25% better FPS at 1080p than my 2700x -- so id say go for it too.