What can I mine with a Geforce 760?


Limp Gawd
Sep 17, 2019
I have an old Gefore 760 card (2gb) and have been attempting to set up miners on it. I haven't had any luck so far. I do have my 1060 running with various nicehash versions.

The nicehash apps I've run claim that there are no supported cards. From their docs, they require a card with Nvidia Compute Capability 2.1, that's the only requirement I can see. The 760 supports 3.0. Is it a driver issue? Could there be non-standard firmware on the card?

Supposedly there is (or was) a "legacy" version of nicehash that supported older hardware, but those links get redirected to regular NiceHash Miner.

This is a side project where I wanted to mine crypto as a free space heater, but that one 1060 is only putting out ~100w, and CPU mining is worthless. I was trying to increase the overall hashes/watts with the 760.
Its useless. Those old nvidia cards were never good for mining
Verthash if you want to swap free heat for coin. Verthash specializes in low spec low RAM cards. The default payout is Dodgecoin but is user selectable.
I have done it with a 7870GHz ed. 2GB like your card and currently do it with a 7950 which has 3GB so a little better. But I only do it for the free heat, as it earns me slightly better then my electicisty cost, and the hopes that value today multiplies in the future as I hold and not sell.
It pays out when you have 50+ coins. I recomend staying with Dodge and staying away from Etherium based coins for mining with a potato mining setup as ALL profits will be lost with such minor profits in gas fee's.
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No idea on dogefolders. I just started playing with banano. Pretty much just paying for electricity cost, but i'm able to use my GTX750s for something. About to try a RX480 to see what it will do for payout. Some said the rewards aren't linear to keep the big mining rigs out. Think it is also a learning tool for crypto in general. I'm wrapping my ban on polygon and it goes into my metamask wallet. Next is to try staking.