Upgrade Yo Router Day!


[H]F Junkie
Feb 22, 2001
If you have not in a while UPGRADE YO ROUTER TODAY!

Do this once a month at least!

If its old and has no more firmware updates....buy a new one....

If its never been updated .... update it....

If you can make your own out of a spare i3 or faster pc then do so....

Be safe crazy kids and UPGRADE THAT ROUTER!

P.S. - Don't Copy That Floppy!
I wish all routers had auto update. With the exploits that come out i read about it seems every couple weeks about a couple large brand routers (Asus, D-Link et cetera) new exploits found....Crazy to think of how many people's networks are compromised and they do not even know it!

I love my pfSense beast!
My pfsense DIY box is up to date. But it's successor is likely to be OPNsense.
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USG Up to date along with my switch, APs, Camera's. Gotta love Unifi at times.
okay... context would be helpful

They release beta products as GA and you need to wait for an update/community to bitch before it is addressed.
They release a product and don't see it all the way through...see 'last gen' cams/NVR. I don't want to buy their NVR when I have hardware that can do it, and ample storage to boot.
There is a reason the product is so cost effective, customers are the testers.

I have a number of their waps and cams but will no longer buy anymore of their stuff. Been a customer since the unifi classics and honestly expect more from them all around by this point. On paper their gear sounds wonderful.
And why does an NVR require a ramdisk (on windows) in order to function? If a ram disk is required why can't the software deploy a ram disk itself or use RAM when ample is available?
Don't get me wrong, I like the waps and have not had major issues with them, just quirks that require their beta release or manual settings and your time to investigate then solve.

In the WISP world, they over promise and under deliver. I have a good friend who used to use a lot of their gear but they have transitioned away from ubiquiti due to quality and spec issues. What they put on paper is not actual real world. Close, but not what the spec sheet says.

Edit: This POS cannot power three devices to save its life even with the correct POE injector: https://www.amazon.com/Ubiquiti-NanoSwitch-Outdoor-Passthrough-N-SW/dp/B079SPW2QL/ It is going to run me about $250 to replace it with something more capable and able.
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They release beta products as GA and you need to wait for an update/community to bitch before it is addressed.
They release a product and don't see it all the way through...see 'last gen' cams/NVR. I don't want to buy their NVR when I have hardware that can do it, and ample storage to boot.
There is a reason the product is so cost effective, customers are the testers.

I have a number of their waps and cams but will no longer buy anymore of their stuff. Been a customer since the unifi classics and honestly expect more from them all around by this point. On paper their gear sounds wonderful.
And why does an NVR require a ramdisk (on windows) in order to function? If a ram disk is required why can't the software deploy a ram disk itself or use RAM when ample is available?
Don't get me wrong, I like the waps and have not had major issues with them, just quirks that require their beta release or manual settings and your time to investigate then solve.

In the WISP world, they over promise and under deliver. I have a good friend who used to use a lot of their gear but they have transitioned away from ubiquiti due to quality and spec issues. What they put on paper is not actual real world. Close, but not what the spec sheet says.

Edit: This POS cannot power three devices to save its life even with the correct POE injector: https://www.amazon.com/Ubiquiti-NanoSwitch-Outdoor-Passthrough-N-SW/dp/B079SPW2QL/ It is going to run me about $250 to replace it with something more capable and able.
It only works with the weird passive POE devices by unifi. I do agree with you on all points. So far my setup has been pretty damn stable.
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I am using the passive POE ubiquiti adapter and even bought a bigger one with no joy. The switch would probably power three devices on a shorter run but I don't think 100' or so is really outside the realm of ability. The gear is generally 'stable' which I like but the oddball quirks at times just gets to be too much, if it is to be enterprise grade then it should just work plain and simple.

This is the 'next up' POE switch I plan to buy and try next: https://netonix.com/wisp-switch/ws-6-mini.html and as you can see it does cost more, needs an enclosure, and an adapter/injector.
My pfsense box's supermicro c2758 board and ram had been acting flaky for a couple days (first parity errors, then a panic loop, now no video... dead'r than a doornail :/) -- it gave us a good 4 years

Time to go high and right on a D-1528/D-1541 replacement board w/ 10gbe :p
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Should be a noobish questions but I just upgraded my connection first time in awhile

The bigger ISPs here all want you to use their router when subscribing. Last time around, I had the option of using my own router along with their modem and I wanted to continue doing that when upgrading but it seems that's no longer possible. I did manage to find a reseller that allowed me to use my own equipment apart from their router

What's this move by ISPs? Is it wise for me to be wary of ISP routers or just paranoia?

Updated ax58u, openwrt on tplink archer c7. No dedicated firewall box yet
The ISP doesn't want to debug your gear. Comcast will allow for you to bring your own modem/router for example. Have an issue with not getting speeds? Support won't work too hard.
They release beta products as GA and you need to wait for an update/community to bitch before it is addressed.
They release a product and don't see it all the way through...see 'last gen' cams/NVR. I don't want to buy their NVR when I have hardware that can do it, and ample storage to boot.
There is a reason the product is so cost effective, customers are the testers.

I have a number of their waps and cams but will no longer buy anymore of their stuff. Been a customer since the unifi classics and honestly expect more from them all around by this point. On paper their gear sounds wonderful.
And why does an NVR require a ramdisk (on windows) in order to function? If a ram disk is required why can't the software deploy a ram disk itself or use RAM when ample is available?
Don't get me wrong, I like the waps and have not had major issues with them, just quirks that require their beta release or manual settings and your time to investigate then solve.

In the WISP world, they over promise and under deliver. I have a good friend who used to use a lot of their gear but they have transitioned away from ubiquiti due to quality and spec issues. What they put on paper is not actual real world. Close, but not what the spec sheet says.

Edit: This POS cannot power three devices to save its life even with the correct POE injector: https://www.amazon.com/Ubiquiti-NanoSwitch-Outdoor-Passthrough-N-SW/dp/B079SPW2QL/ It is going to run me about $250 to replace it with something more capable and able.
Ubiquiti can be quirky but they are the apple of the networking world. I only use their APs. I roll my own router and use TP Link POE switches for the house and everything is rock solid. I can't complain.
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I haven't had any hardware issues personally but the software/firmware side could use some substantial upgrades especially with regards to the new NVR/Protect line they lost alot of features coming from unifi video.
That said I have enjoyed the single pane of management for stable small business class equipment even if it is on the pricier side of things especially the dream machine pro.
Ubiquiti are generally fine, but they'd really need to up their hardware and software quality (and, let's face it, prices) to reasonably be compared to Apple.
Most consider them to be in the "just works" category which really what my comparison was about.
I updated my DDWRT access point to a newer version. Thanks for the reminder.
That's a bold statement. Do try more than one of their products and spend time with them. They are neat, but are quirky, across the board.

We use them at work and sell that stuff to customers...quirky is the nicest word I an use.