Sync two computers over the internet

Aug 28, 2021
So this really isn't a cloud thing per-se, but not sure where else this goes...

I have a collection of extracted DVDs that are currently on one of my machines. What I want to do is set up a second machine with my DVD library at second location (a cabin), first for redundancy and then so I can watch my content without internet lag problems. The goal is to automatically sync via the internet any new DVDs that are extracted and added to the library on the primary machine.

What is out there that does that?
Wouldn't Dropbox work? You should be able to set it up to store files locally on both machines.
I hate SaaS as much as the next guy, but so long as your collection is not massive, syncing these directories via OneDrive will be easy if you already subscribe to Office 365.
I hate SaaS as much as the next guy, but so long as your collection is not massive, syncing these directories via OneDrive will be easy if you already subscribe to Office 365.
Wouldn't Dropbox work? You should be able to set it up to store files locally on both machines.
Not sure those would work quite right...

I'm not really an expert on these services especially in the weeds of them. BUT, my DVD collection stands at 13TB. If I were to rip a new bluray, that would be in the 15GB range by itself. If it were on one drive for example, I believe the file would first have to be uploaded to one drive, which would probably take in the 4hr range and then when it is time to watch, it will all have to be pulled down locally, which is going to take awhile. Then, because it is a large file, I'm not going to want it on onedrive, so i'd have to transfer it off. That is a lot of involvement.

The syncthing program looks quite promising as it looks everything stays within my own machines and runs pretty automated.
Wouldn't Dropbox work? You should be able to set it up to store files locally on both machines.
Dropbox would get expensive storing DVDs.

I use it to sync some cad files, it works great, but I'm doing less than a GB.
Yeah 13TB is pretty massive. I've also been playing with Synology Drive to sync my NAS with offsite workstations. It would work but requires a Syno NAS. Syncthing looks like a good alternative, maybe one of the opensource NAS suites has something as well.
Yeah 13TB is pretty massive. I've also been playing with Synology Drive to sync my NAS with offsite workstations. It would work but requires a Syno NAS. Syncthing looks like a good alternative, maybe one of the opensource NAS suites has something as well.

And I haven't even started in on Monty Python's Flying
Yea, KISS for sure, I liked syncthing for that reason.

Or just delete it all? haha.. I freed myself from "data" about 2 years ago and have not regretted it once. No movies, no pre-downloads apps or games, I slimmed down 19 years of photos (my kids growing up) to about 200 pics per year, so it's pretty small in total. So much easier to deal with. Basically 15gb of Photos, 20gb of video, 1gb of documents. Turns out I didn't need all my movies locally, and never looked at pictures because there were so many. Keeping only the greats now I actually look at them from time to time. Not to mention made yearly photos books for the book shelf.
What OS are the systems running on?

If it is a linux system a simple cifs mount and a dd will accomplish what you want.

The hardest part would be setting it up so the two machines can see each other over the internet securely for this I recommend setting up a VPN.

I do this same thing with my video collection (8-10 TB) shared between 2 house 300 miles away from each other and it works flawlessly.

The system that I use serves as a remote backup of my important data, (Pictures, Videos, etc)
I got around to sort slapping together the remote machine this weekend. I got syncthing up on running on both machines and synced a few files. It wasn't that bad to get working.

Now to take one machine to a different location so it isn't local and make sure it is good to go.

If that works, just gotta get a giant hard drive and get everything fully configured with emby.
What kind of bandwidth is at each site, specifically what is your UPLOAD speed from your main location and what is the download at your cabin?