Logitech G9


Extremely [H]
Feb 9, 2002
Well I got myself a G9. It's a little too early to be forming any final opinions on it in the 30 minutes or so I've been using it. I will say that it takes alot to get used to considering I've been using the MX series since the original MX500 and the G5/G7 which all had the same basic shape.

The mouse movements feel crisp and smooth. The quality feels excellent and I like the new location of most of the buttoms. Ergonomically it's going to take alot of getting used to. I haven't tried using it in games yet, but I'll get to that as soon as I finish the review I'm working on.
Yeah I like it a lot too, I find it to be the most accurate mouse I've ever used. I just wish Logitech hadn't made a mouseware specific for G9, usually that means they won't support it as long since it's only for one product. It takes time getting used to the shortened part of the back of the mouse but once you do it's very nice
Yeah I like it a lot too, I find it to be the most accurate mouse I've ever used. I just wish Logitech hadn't made a mouseware specific for G9, usually that means they won't support it as long since it's only for one product. It takes time getting used to the shortened part of the back of the mouse but once you do it's very nice

Well as I said, I'm not sure if I like it yet. It will take time to get used to it. The fact that it is so much shorter is one of the hardest things to get used to. I'll really know if I like it after I get to play some games with it.
Well after playing games and using it up until all hours of the night finishing a motherboard review, I have to say that I am starting to really like this mouse. I had missgivings about the shape but after awhile it really grows on you. What really impresses me is the smoothness of the G9 and it's accuracy. I can see a major improvement over the G5 and G7 series mice in this regard.

Fans of the G-Series mice should check one out as soon as possible.
Mine is on it's way from Amazon atm. I would say it is safe to say that this mouse fits more of a fingertip style- because of the shorter palm rest, and faster DPI engine.
definitely fingertip-style--just the way I like it. I really like my g9. I wasn't so sure when I first got it, but now I think it's great. I just wish the goddamn thing was WIRELESS. Seriously--when will people let the whole 'zomg wireless it must lagzzzzz--gamerz like me and fata1ity can't have teh lagzzz' thing go?
Yeah, I got the G9 when I bought the G15 Rev 2 keyboard. Very smooth and accurate. Plus, I love the fact you can control the dpi from the mouse. When I play TF2, I have a "regular" DPI I play on with most classes, but I use a much lower dpi when I'm sniping. Makes me much more accurate. My sniping is MUCH better with the smoothness and on the fly DPI changing.
I'm in the same boat coming from MX500/G5/G7 for the last few years. I got a G9 a few weeks ago and have been using it for work all day and also gaming, and I did get used to the shape(s) after about a week. I like the new ergonomics better now, but I do use my fingers more than just rest my hand on the mouse.

If you're coming from the G5/G7, having a usable middle button AND side to side scrolling along with two thumb buttons is very welcome. I used the MX Revolution for a little bit, and the scroll wheel isn't as nice as the mechanized Revolution one but it is still much better than other mice. I don't get much out of the extra 1200 dpi, but some people will probably appreciate it. It's more of a pain to access the weights than it is in the G5, so if you constantly are changing it will probably bother you.

All in all I'd recommend it, and if you think you'll use the new features it's a decent upgrade from a G5.
[RCKY] Thor;1031607906 said:
Would you classify it as a "fingertip" style mouse, or "palm" style?

Fingertip style. No doubt about it. That's also the way I typically use mice so this really is the better way to go for me.

I'm in the same boat coming from MX500/G5/G7 for the last few years. I got a G9 a few weeks ago and have been using it for work all day and also gaming, and I did get used to the shape(s) after about a week. I like the new ergonomics better now, but I do use my fingers more than just rest my hand on the mouse.

Same here.

If you're coming from the G5/G7, having a usable middle button AND side to side scrolling along with two thumb buttons is very welcome. I used the MX Revolution for a little bit, and the scroll wheel isn't as nice as the mechanized Revolution one but it is still much better than other mice. I don't get much out of the extra 1200 dpi, but some people will probably appreciate it. It's more of a pain to access the weights than it is in the G5, so if you constantly are changing it will probably bother you.

As for the weights, on occasion I'd hit the mouse too hard on the desk and it would drop the weight tray out. Thing is I didn't have to hit it that hard. I eventually pulled the trays out of both my G5's.

All in all I'd recommend it, and if you think you'll use the new features it's a decent upgrade from a G5.

I agree.
I've got a G7 that I think is awesome, been using it for about a year now...only downside is the batteries seem to run through pretty quickly while gaming. Having never touched a G9 physically, I have to say that I think the design of the thing is MUCH worse than the G7. It looks...oh, so fugly.
I disagree totally. I always though my G7 looked out of place on my desk fileed with Logi gear, whereas the G9 fits in well.

Plus, its just a damn good mouse. That should matter more to gamers than looks.

I like your nice clean setup Droopz. I guess I should have purchased that desk, it looks much better with electronics on it.
Yeah but it is abit small if you don't wheel the other smaller part around as well, and turn it into an L-desk. Everything fits OK but I would just like more room to make things look a bit neater.

lol wtf are you packing in that case? :p Anyways all I really want is a mx518 special edition with updated internals and with the g5 series feet. I might of have considered this mouse but theres just to many games coming out right now, thats where my money is going to.
Is there a wireless version coming??My G7 is starting to give me fits with its disconnects and am looking for something new..
This thread is very intruiging.

I love my first gen G5 that I've had for a while and have been skeptical about any claims about anything out there being appreciably better.

Has anyone compared the G9 to any of the other leading mice out there like the Razers or the new Sidewinder from MS, among others?

If I wasn't so hooked on my ergo keyboard I think I'd have to be making a move on that G15...
This thread is very intruiging.

I love my first gen G5 that I've had for a while and have been skeptical about any claims about anything out there being appreciably better.

Has anyone compared the G9 to any of the other leading mice out there like the Razers or the new Sidewinder from MS, among others?

If I wasn't so hooked on my ergo keyboard I think I'd have to be making a move on that G15...

I've tried the Razers in the past and didn't like them. Mostly due to ergnomomics. The Microsoft mice just can't compete with Razer or Logitech in terms of speed and accuracy so I typically ignore their products.
Is there a wireless version coming??My G7 is starting to give me fits with its disconnects and am looking for something new..

That is what I was hoping for also. However the G7 was recently discontinued, so I doubt there will be a g10 wireless or something.
I've tried the Razers in the past and didn't like them. Mostly due to ergnomomics. The Microsoft mice just can't compete with Razer or Logitech in terms of speed and accuracy so I typically ignore their products.

Fair enough.

Past that, you seem fairly impressed with the G9 even over the almighty and beloved G5.

I hope I can go somewhere and see/feel one of these G9's in person to do a real comparison.
Fair enough.

Past that, you seem fairly impressed with the G9 even over the almighty and beloved G5.

I hope I can go somewhere and see/feel one of these G9's in person to do a real comparison.

I am impressed with the G9. It feels good. I've got several other MX series and G-series mice on other machines and I do the back and fourth thing alot. The MX/G-Series mice now feel odd to me.
I am impressed with the G9. It feels good. I've got several other MX series and G-series mice on other machines and I do the back and fourth thing alot. The MX/G-Series mice now feel odd to me.

What mousepad do you use with the G9?
I remember looking at that mouse online. Thinking its a pretty radicle design and that it actually looked like it would be confortable. I remember thinking it looked like a really good mouse, and for $100 not to bad, Then I seen the cord, I was like WTF, $100 for a corded mouse.
I just got my cordless G7...and coming from an MX1000....I have to say, tracking on the G7 is infinitely better.

I was going to get the G9, but after testing it out at a store, I just couldn't get used to the idea of going back to a corded mouse again.

I haven't installed any Logitech software/drivers, and it seems fine on Vista 64-bit. Should I need to install software/drivers from Logitech?
I just got my cordless G7...and coming from an MX1000....I have to say, tracking on the G7 is infinitely better.

I was going to get the G9, but after testing it out at a store, I just couldn't get used to the idea of going back to a corded mouse again.

I haven't installed any Logitech software/drivers, and it seems fine on Vista 64-bit. Should I need to install software/drivers from Logitech?

I wouldn't. All that crap from Logitech isn't needed. I can map all my functions in games without it and I hate the way Logitech mice feel when that crap is installed.
You don't need to install the drivers, but I personally like to, as you get all the features of the mouse and you can easily adjust settings from the taskbar when you do.
You don't need to install the drivers, but I personally like to, as you get all the features of the mouse and you can easily adjust settings from the taskbar when you do.

I get all the features of the mouse without installing their crappy software and drivers.
After quite a bit of gaming this weekend, the left button began sticking a little bit and the coating on the bigger grip started peeling off. Also, I really began to notice the wobble between the grip and the mouse whenever I pick the mouse up off the mousepad. I would prefer a single non-changeable grip to one that isn't flush. It's a shame because I definitely like the feel of the G9 better than anything else I've used, but I'm pretty disappointed in the quality of a $100 product that I've had for 2 weeks.