Intel stock cooler


Limp Gawd
Jan 14, 2020
Who would prefer a stock cooler that takes a screw-in replaceable 92mm fan? Or even an option to buy an Intel CPU heatsink that takes a replaceable 92mm fan with heatpipes?
I personally would not run a stock cooler. For $30 buck a decent air cooler can be bought or for $45 a 120mm AIO can be bought.
There isn't a lot of incentive to upgrade the coolers.

In most machines the current cooler will last as long as the rest of the PC.

A lot of people replace the stock coolers even if they are good. Does the Wraith Prism convince people to buy AMD?
The stock cooler is plenty for 90% of the builds out there. For that last 10% no upgrade is going to help it. Buy a proper aftermarket cooler. Don't try to make the box cooler something that it isn't.