how many of website still support 4:3 aspect ratio?

Happy Hopping

Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 1, 2004

since noone can sell 4:3 monitor for at least a decade, is most popular websites, still bother support 4:3? and if so, is that going to change?

or how does that work w/ web programming, can a web page accommodate both? i.e., can people w/ those older 4:3 monitor still see the same amt. of information compares to people using 16:9 screen?
I don't see why 4:3 would pose a problem for web pages since in this day and age people commonly use phones to navigate the web in both portrait and landscape orientations. 4:3 is a really nice medium between the two.
I guess facebook, lol

And Hard Forum does,
And I wonder why one window is HDR and the other isn't. Is the window on the right in the pic below with Hard Forum blown out on your monitor?
I would hope all of them do. ZodaEX already mentioned mobile devices, which come with all sorts of aspect ratios. On desktop, the browser can be any aspect ratio you want simply by resizing the window. Responsive web design has been a thing for over two decades now - it's pretty easy to make a website scale to any resolution.
Aspect ratio is irrelevant for web pages. You scroll down as much as needed.

As for the old 4:3 low resolutions such as 1024x768. Pretty much every website old or new should work fine.

Any relatively modern web page is designed to work well on a phone which are actually treated as lower, zoomed in resolutions, than their actual native high resolution displays.

And any website so old it wasn't made with mobile in mind was probably made specifically to work at 1024x768 or even 800x600.
that's why I ask in the first place, as I never do any web programming, I thought the cost of accommodating the older std. as well as the newer std. (HD) costs more for those who pays for these programmers vs. just web page that support HD, that we no longer need to worry about 4:3
that's why I ask in the first place, as I never do any web programming, I thought the cost of accommodating the older std. as well as the newer std. (HD) costs more for those who pays for these programmers vs. just web page that support HD, that we no longer need to worry about 4:3

4:3 doesn't imply not being HD. HD is resolution where as 4:3 is shape. Cheers!
Interesting - Yes, the one on right does look blown own.

Edit - Holy Batman is now known as Holy Tabman
Some screen captures on some sites and video screen captures look either blown out or look flat since I have Windows in HDR mode.
And when will Chrome/Edge get scrolling Tabs, once you get to x amount of tabs they aren't accesssible unless you close visible tabs or make the window wider.

Firefox has had scrolling tabs since forever,

I don't have that many tabs in Firefox anymore as I hit the limit as new tabs and previous tabs would fail to load. Probably have less than 1000 tabs now.