FreeBSD 13 Released


Jun 10, 2015
FreeBSD 13.0 has been officially released. See here for the release announcement, and here for more detailed release notes.
Some of the highlights that are especially of interest to me:
- Removal of significant amounts of obsolete programs and code. While this breaks some backwards compatibility, it allows for the system to have better performance in many tasks. I'm looking forward to seeing if this makes any significant difference in Openshot video encoding speed.
- Updated AMD and Intel graphics support. Before, I had to manually compile and install the drm drivers to work with my Rx590. The new driver should be compatible up to (maybe including?) 5700 class AMD GPU's and all but Xe Intel graphics.
- Improved encryption support
- updated fusefs that should improve performance and functions for filesystems using this.

If you want to give it a try as a server or a workstation, head over to and check it out. I'm in the process of upgrading my main desktop computer from 12.2 to 13.0 - it seems like the default update server I'm using is being hit hard, so it's going slow. I did just download the ISO from, and that went at an expected speed, so for the impatient, that may be the best way to get it.