Anyone else got a 6700XT?


Supreme [H]ardness
May 7, 2005
Just seems hardly anyone has one or admits to having one.

I have one! Yes I know when it came out people were like "where does it fit?" and later on that is still the case. But a lot of reviewers seem to forget that whilst it wasn't much of an upgrade from previous gen...for those of us on a RX480 or similar...big leap!

I got mine purely because last summer 6700XTs were the only mid-high end card available in the UK in any number. I got mine for £630 but they went up a lot more and are now back to that price.

I've enjoyed it. It's done all i want from it. My brother is now enjoying the RX480...(he had a 2GB 7850 before).

Anyone else in the 6700XT club?
I just ordered a ASRock Challenger. 1070 too long In the tooth for my new 144hz panel. They recently came down to earth on pricing.

Pure Horsepower puts it right at 2080 Ti levels give or take. It's a decent deal for $600 if you don't care about Ray tracing
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Yeah Ray Tracing for me is "never had it so..." But I'll be looking for it in 3-4 years maybe as long as it's a "switch it on and forget about it option" with little downside on performance. biggie.
Yes: got a stock AMD version from Micro Center (US tech-oriented physical retailer) on the day of release (waited outside), at the MSRP of $479 USD (before tax).

The RX 6700 XT was trashed by a lot of online tech websites (that seemingly ignored the reality of current COVID-19 pandemic conditions & pricing), so I figured that a lot of folks would buy too much into such reviews, and not show up (talked to other folks in the outdoor queue, and they had the same idea I did). It was available for well after 9am in the morning: last guy got his at 10am, which (a year ago) was practically miraculous, especially for all the lines outside Micro Center at the time for halfway decent gaming video cards. Shows that we really need to read carefully between the lines of reviews, instead of blindly accepting whatever reviewers say as gospel.

Side note: later that night, sold my RX 5700 XT for well over the cost of my RX 6700 XT ...
Just installed a 6700xt I got for $550 off Newegg. Out of the box it hits a good amount above my 1080ti and should only get better once I get a waterblock on it.

Tomorrow is my day off, so I'll be able to do more with it than just running 3dmark a few times.
Just installed a 6700xt I got for $550 off Newegg. Out of the box it hits a good amount above my 1080ti and should only get better once I get a waterblock on it.

Tomorrow is my day off, so I'll be able to do more with it than just running 3dmark a few times.
Fuck how good price when you look at my area tj. rajon, here is the cheapest rx 6700xt 860 USD,tul powercooler fighter rx 6700xt,and it's now like on sale, they used to be even more expensive, but obviously it's not much in this area because those much stronger cards are also sold
How about some benchmarks? I was in the market for a 6700xt, but lucked out and got a 3060 ti instead. EVGA queue, only took about a year!
How about some benchmarks? I was in the market for a 6700xt, but lucked out and got a 3060 ti instead. EVGA queue, only took about a year!
The 6700xt is better than the 3060ti in all games and the amd is always better for the battlefield series
What country are you from? , newegg doesn't even send it to me, even if it does, in the end they charge you Vat, pedeveić, tax and in the end nothing...
And then what is your final price?
Oh, US. No vat, just state sales tax.
How about some benchmarks? I was in the market for a 6700xt, but lucked out and got a 3060 ti instead. EVGA queue, only took about a year!
Only thing I did was 3dmark.
I've been running a 6700xt Strix since August last year, which was an upgrade from a 290x Lightning. Off the charts upgrade! I managed to get one slightly used (was only out for three months anyway) at msrp, $829 iirc. Very happy with it. Though the first game I played with it was Control and 6700's apparently weren't made for that game lol.
I got the 6600 XT for a good price, but I'm half regretting it seeing all these 6700 XT benchmarks. Oh well. Not worth now. FWIW, I think prices are at a low now, but they'll go back up as inflation continues to eat away at our money and war rages on.
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Just installed a 6700xt I got for $550 off Newegg. Out of the box it hits a good amount above my 1080ti and should only get better once I get a waterblock on it.

Tomorrow is my day off, so I'll be able to do more with it than just running 3dmark a few times.
Are you happy with it as an upgrade? I've been eyeballing it for a bit. I have a 1080ti as well and wasn't sure if it is really worth the effort. Couple videos I saw seeming to imply a ~15% jump.
Are you happy with it as an upgrade? I've been eyeballing it for a bit. I have a 1080ti as well and wasn't sure if it is really worth the effort. Couple videos I saw seeming to imply a ~15% jump.
6700 Xt is 2080 TI level of performance in general. Some titles are exceed the performance of a 3070 and even TI in some cases, but not many
Are you happy with it as an upgrade? I've been eyeballing it for a bit. I have a 1080ti as well and wasn't sure if it is really worth the effort. Couple videos I saw seeming to imply a ~15% jump.
I haven't actually used it all that much lol. Had it in for a day, then swapped back in my 1080ti to test it for a friend interested in buying. It was having vram temp artifacting after swapping on the air cooler because of old thermal pads. Put new stuff on and it runs great, but in the meantime I managed to get a potentially killer deal on a pair of 6700xts from best buy.

So my gigabyte one is still sitting out until I get the best buy ones (with the added benefit that the bykski block I ordered will fit it, unlike the gigabyte that requires modification). If that all goes well I'll be attempting a return or selling for cost.
i wanted a 6700xt bad, but ended up getting a 6900xt. Overkill for my current use, but i think in 2 years or so, ill grow into 6900xt.
I have... a few. I generally like them. No issues with them as far as stability and cooling is really concerned. The AMD reference model doesn't have great memory cooling but it's adequate. Much less finnicky than the 5700xt in mining and probably gaming too. If you have a 5700XT it's probably a good card to upgrade to. Miners, especially last year, were paying a lot for the 5700s still and no one really wanted the 6700xt. It got kind of ridiculous recently though with them going for around $800 or so, but now that availability on seems better I think they're worth going for. Solid mid-range card that should run most things at whatever resolution you'd run it at. The 6800 and 6900xt are more awkwardly placed IMO because although performance is better, you start getting to the point where if you're going to spend that amount of money maybe you could get an nvidia card that'll do raytracing well at lower resolutions (I don't like DLSS smearing so I don't really consider it). As long as you can get a 6700xt for a good price I think they're good cards, just don't pay $800-900 like I was seeing recently. Looks like $600 and under should be the norm going forward and at that price-range I think it does well vs the 3060ti.
Fedex delivered mine yesterday! Got it swapped out without any big issues. I haven't benchmarked anything, but I'll say just in general use the stutters I was seeing while using my Valve Index are gone, especially in Robo Recall. Really looking forward to trying DCS World and Star Wars Squadrons in VR with it. My old 1080 was having some real problems driving the Index in more demanding titles.
Okay so just tested my significantly cheaper obtained XFX 309 6700xt and it ran a couple degrees warmer than the Gigabyte Eagle, but did score 3% higher in 3dmark. Wish I monitored the power draw on the Gigabyte before getting my money back. I wonder if the 2 extra power pins on the XFX are making the difference (higher power limit?)
Okay so just tested my significantly cheaper obtained XFX 309 6700xt and it ran a couple degrees warmer than the Gigabyte Eagle, but did score 3% higher in 3dmark. Wish I monitored the power draw on the Gigabyte before getting my money back. I wonder if the 2 extra power pins on the XFX are making the difference (higher power limit?)
The SWFT? I just got one today, it has a dual BIOS switch is one clocked higher than the other?
The SWFT? I just got one today, it has a dual BIOS switch is one clocked higher than the other?
Probably. One is performance mode and the other is apparently quiet mode. Looking back at the results, the XFX model seems to stay about 100mhz higher than the gigabyte model did. This week I'll have a AMD direct model I grabbed for my brother. I'll have to ask if I can give it a quick run through 3dmark just for fun.
Just seems hardly anyone has one or admits to having one.

I have one! Yes I know when it came out people were like "where does it fit?" and later on that is still the case. But a lot of reviewers seem to forget that whilst it wasn't much of an upgrade from previous gen...for those of us on a RX480 or similar...big leap!

I got mine purely because last summer 6700XTs were the only mid-high end card available in the UK in any number. I got mine for £630 but they went up a lot more and are now back to that price.

I've enjoyed it. It's done all i want from it. My brother is now enjoying the RX480...(he had a 2GB 7850 before).

Anyone else in the 6700XT club?
I hope to upgrade to one or just buy one - because, I want to. Is there any particular models that are good? I bought a 3060 for video editing and AMD cards are supposedly not as good for that. But, I dual boot - I use Linux and I have yet to try an AMD card in Linux. I figure - it will be either 3070/3080 or RX 6700 XT - I dunno about 6800 XT - depends on prices when I can upgrade. :)
I hope video editing with AMD cards improves by then and it's interesting what's happening with 'ray tracing/FSR/FSR 2.0 etc.
I got the 6600 XT for a good price, but I'm half regretting it seeing all these 6700 XT benchmarks. Oh well. Not worth now. FWIW, I think prices are at a low now, but they'll go back up as inflation continues to eat away at our money and war rages on.
The RX 6700 XT is $200 more than the RTX 3060 here - and I had/have to buy other parts. :-/ Plus, I am doing video editing and the 3060 is at least as good as or even performs better in that task. Else, I would have liked to try it. Also, the prices only started going down - including that card - and I agree, not sure how long that will be for. I don't trust 'price reduction trend' reports.
So got a chance to try out the AMD 6700xt before dropping it off to my brother tomrrow. Played some Satisfactory, max settings 1440p.
Gameplay1.PNGGameplay2 xfx.PNG
Left is the AMD, right is my XFX 309. XFX clocks a bit higher and runs somewhat cooler in general. At the same fan RPM, the dual fans on the AMD made a bit of an annoying higher pitch wooshing noise. I much prefer the standard fan noise of the triple fans.
That of course is irrelevant once I throw a waterblock on, but just a bit of info if anyone is curious.

Tons of graphics power for just 185w. I love these TSMC chips.

*Edit* I will say in person that the AMD 6700xt is a nice looking card. I like the Black/Silver colors. I wasn't so sure in pics, but in hand it's a good look.
I'll proudly admit I own one of these cards this is the bracket I aim for since I tend to upgrade every 2-3 years, I couldn't personally stomach dropping the money to get the higher end cards knowing the next gen's xx70's or x700XT is probably going to be just as fast to close to it, for less money. Although this time around I seriously thought about it considering the price I paid for this card.

Unfortunately, unlike some people in this thread, it wasn't a tremendous leap for me. I went from a Sapphire Nitro+ 5700XT to a Sapphire Nitro+ 6700XT, so roughly a 20-25% bump in performance. Not a bad card in any way, shape, or form, but I was having second thoughts considering I paid $649 plus tax and shipping on Newegg with prices coming down on all fronts. The reason for the small'ish upgrade was because I wanted my computer to be DX Ultimate ready to take full advantage of the features like Direct Storage since I have 2 Samsung 1TB NVME drives (970 Evo Plus/980 Pro), and I also wanted to have a backup GPU in case GPU prices skyrocket again my GPU just happens to decide it doesn't want to live anymore. Although I am tempted to sell my 5700XT since it is a better mining card, but looking at eBay prices for the model of card I have ranged between $400-$500 when I looked, it made me second guess considering how expensive these GPU's are right now, and if availability becomes an issue again, I don't want to be without.

For the longest time I was eyeballing the 3070Ti, but with it still selling for what the 3080 sold for at launch, for roughly a ~10% difference in games I play, and convincing my girl to let me drop anything more than $700 not including tax on one computer part would be akin to pulling teeth out of a newborn baby, just not happening, so the 6800/XT were out of the question for me. It's not to take away from the card itself, it's a phenomenal card, the 5700XT was a phenomenal card. With RSR recently coming out, and FSR being a thing, it seriously extended the lives of these cards tremendously, sure the IQ isn't DLSS level's of quality, but the performance gains are better, and the two techs are open source meaning more options for the consumer at the end of the day. Also, when SAM gets fully utilized, as demonstrated in Forza Horizon 5 and AC: Valhalla it'll be right at the 3070/Ti levels of performance, but with 50% more VRAM.

So far though I'm happy with the performance, I enabled SAM, and then I upped the power limit by 15% and OC'd the card to around 2.7Ghz, and with RSR on Borderlands 3 1080p upscaled to 1440p I'm getting 130+ FPS with no discernable, well while moving around and just enjoying the game, image loss. I haven't tested AC: Valhalla outside of the benchmark where everything on Ultra I was netting I think 83-85 FPS, big increase over 5700XT with settings varying between medium to very high getting between 65-70 FPS with highs in the low 80's, Elden Ring I was already getting 55-60 FPS, Forza Horizon 5 with Ultra settings at 1440p I'm getting around 120'ish FPS free-roaming, didn't really eyeball the FPS counter too much. All in all this card is definitely an upgrade, especially in Borderlands 3, even with my 5700XT and RSR I was maybe getting 100-110 FPS.

At the end of the day I'll automatically assume all the "Big Name" reviewers are all Nvidia shills. Just reading some of the reviews on the 6700XT it seems as if they go into the review already expecting negative, all the while glorifying the 3060Ti/3070/3070Ti, and any time there's equal performance they chalk it up to it being an AMD sponsored game, or they'll attach a negative phrase to it such as "It wins, but not by much/it win's, but one of the few victories it will have." My go-to for reviews nowadays is YouTube, watching actual in-game footage comparisons give me a good idea of what to expect, not some bars on a graph that the reviewer just slaps up there, and could alter on a whim, or hide details. This is why I miss HardOCP's GPU reviews, at least everything was tested thoroughly, and explanations were given.
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Yeah a lot of reviews on YouTube were headlined "This card sucks!" but then you watched the review was fine. A bit pricey know late 2020!

The issue I always have is they always judge the cards with the previous gen and go "only a 15% improvement!" but then ignore the cards most of us would be upgrading from that are 2-3 years older. Three or forur years of 15% improvements adds up to a lot.

I think a lot of reviewers lose touch with average users wants and needs when handed the latest tech all the time.
Yeah a lot of reviews on YouTube were headlined "This card sucks!" but then you watched the review was fine. A bit pricey know late 2020!

The issue I always have is they always judge the cards with the previous gen and go "only a 15% improvement!" but then ignore the cards most of us would be upgrading from that are 2-3 years older. Three or forur years of 15% improvements adds up to a lot.

I think a lot of reviewers lose touch with average users wants and needs when handed the latest tech all the time.

Exactly, I remember when I got my computer back after a two-year hiatus from not having it, I went from a GTX 560Ti and a AMD Phenom II 1090T, and upgraded to a GTX970 and i7 4790K and the results were night and day. I got my computer back thinking I could try out GTA V and having to set everything to the lowest and barely get 20-30 FPS sucked, upgrading to the GTX970 ($270 with taxes) allowed me to bump the settings up a lot and get 60 FPS. Then going from a 970 (fans died) to a Vega 56 ($370'ish with taxes) encouraged me to go to 1440p and still managed to get 60+ FPS on the same settings, then the next jump from there was a 5700XT ($450'ish with taxes) which solidified it. The 6700XT ($713 with taxes) is the most expensive card I've owned, unfortunately, I was only comfortable getting it under a payment plan instead of outright. So far, though, the performance is up to my expectations, and I'm sure will last me the next two years. The reason why I included prices is that reviewers tend to forget that the average consumer doesn't get their parts for free, and not everyone has $400-$500 sitting around waiting, let alone $1000+, hence why the vast majority of GPU's in use today are, according to the Steam Hardware Survey, are older cards. So a vast majority of PC gamers aren't just upgrading from a 5700XT, 2070S to the likes of a 3070 or 6700XT, a vast majority of them are coming from integrated graphics, the 9xx/1xxx series, 1060's/1660's, RX4xx/5xx series cards where the jump to a 6xxx/3xxx card equals double, if not more, performance.

To me, this is where the 6700XT shines, it has 12GB of VRAM which extends the longevity of the card, as much as people want to say 8GB is enough, we don't know what's coming down the pipes a year or two from now, and hell some games now using >8GB with HD textures/custom textures etc, and in order for the 3070/Ti to perform in those games requires DLSS. Then add in FSR, considering it's still new, a year or so down the road they might just match up closer to DLSS in terms of IQ while offering the better performance while being open source and usable by everyone, then there's RSR (RNDA arch only) which will only improve alongside FSR, SAM performance impact has been shown, and when paired with an AMD CPU, in games that SAM is fully utilized, it offers a ~5-10% performance bump, and it's DX12 ultimate compatible meaning things like direct storage are going to offer noticeable bumps in performance with lower texture loading times, which can lead to less stuttering, and more fluid gameplay. Another thing that people tend to never bring up is that a majority of games developed are developed for consoles, which in turn use the RDNA 2 architecture, whether that'll benefit AMD in the long run or not is up in the air, but I'm sure it will help.

In a nutshell, a lot of reviewers just look at numbers instead of looking at long-term value, I think they aim their reviews at the less tech-savvy, or people just looking for a quick upgrade without doing the research. I can't blame them, not every reviewer is here to debate, just post a review as things are at the time of review. Right now, yes the 3070 in most gaming scenarios wins out and even the 3060Ti wins at times, yes the RTX lineup has superior RT capabilities, yes DLSS 2.0 is better than FSR 1st gen, but things like the following tend to get ignored like:

- How many people actually use RT?
- Do people with a 3060Ti/3070Ti use RT at its fullest, if at all?
- Is 8GB going to be enough in 2023/2024?
- What sacrifices am I going to have to make in order to play games with all the bells and whistles with a card that has only 8GB of VRAM?
- Is the fact that consoles use RDNA 2 going to influence how games perform on PC's using AMD or Nvidia?
- What improvements will FSR 2 bring to the table, how will it affect RSR, and what will stop AMD from releasing RSR to previous-gen cards as they did with, that I know of, enabling SAM for the 5700XT?
- Does AMD's "Fine wine" drivers still exist, and if so, how will the 6700XT stack up against the 3070/3070Ti in a year or two? This applies also to the 6800 on up and their relative counterparts.

I think a lot of reviewers should start implementing these kind(s) of questions in their reviews, I mean hell a lot of people rely on these professionals to provide them with enough data to make an informed decision. Yes the 3xxx series wins in RT/DLSS capabilities, but with the next gen cards that gap might close, hell it could close sooner if developers find a way to implement RT more efficiently.

When I first got the 5700XT I compared it to the 2070 Super which beat it in practically every benchmark, now they're roughly neck and neck with each other. Which could indicate that a year from now the 6700XT and the 3070/Ti might be within a few percent of one another. FSR's simplification of upscaling, especially for the less tech-savvy people is going to be a win in AMD's favor, especially on the lower end cards, and, as stated above, when we start seeing more games developed for systems using RDNA 2, while it's still up in the air, I firmly believe it will influence how games perform using the same architecture on PC, especially when things like direct storage come into play. Then there's SAM, as I said in my previous post helped with FH 5 and AC: Valhalla's performance, if more games can implement SAM in this way, how will that affect the GPU landscape two to three years from now?

Sorry for the lengthy post, but this is essentially how I do my GPU shopping, these are things I do and ask myself all the time. I'm ultimately I'm happy to see Nvidia/Intel's reign over the PC market dwindling. I've been a supporter, not a fanboy, of AMD since I first started working on PC's, and I'm happy to see them coming out of the slump they were in.
Sorry for the lengthy post, but this is essentially how I do my GPU shopping
Nah it's cool. Welcome to being a normal shopper with an actual budget. I too was looking at a 3070/ti to replace my ageing 1080ti but that 8gb of vram was bothering me. In some benchmarks at 1440p the 3070ti was already pulling around 7gb of vram usage. I really don't see it lasting a couple of years at the cutting edge.

But nobody talks about that. It's all DLSS/RTX as if every single game implements it well, if at all. I like to buy cards thinking at least 4 years of use. Sometimes I might upgrade early for fun, sometimes I sit on a card for 4-6 years. VRAM has usually shown to be the determining factor in longevity (looking at you, R9 Fury X)

It's apparently popular to say a 3060ti is what world outside of a few select games? Amazing.
Nah it's cool. Welcome to being a normal shopper with an actual budget. I too was looking at a 3070/ti to replace my ageing 1080ti but that 8gb of vram was bothering me. In some benchmarks at 1440p the 3070ti was already pulling around 7gb of vram usage. I really don't see it lasting a couple of years at the cutting edge.

But nobody talks about that. It's all DLSS/RTX as if every single game implements it well, if at all. I like to buy cards thinking at least 4 years of use. Sometimes I might upgrade early for fun, sometimes I sit on a card for 4-6 years. VRAM has usually shown to be the determining factor in longevity (looking at you, R9 Fury X)

It's apparently popular to say a 3060ti is what world outside of a few select games? Amazing.
Oh I agree, the 3060Ti is nice, in Nvidia sponsored titles of course.To say it's equal, or better than a 6700XT is wrong. I watched a video earlier on YouTube by KitGuru where the reviewer was testing Doom Eternal's RT update on the 6xxx series and the 3xxx series, when it came to bumping it up to 4k he flat out said "I had to turn the graphics settings down from Nightmare to get this game to run on the 8GB cards so we could test them." Like seriously? That's an issue right there, if a GPU can't run a game due to VRAM constraints, you can't just ignore that, and then talk about how the cards with 8GB still outperformed it's counterpart. IF you didn't turn down those graphics settings, the 8GB cards wouldn't have even been able to perform, period. These reviewers do anything to cover Nvidia's ass, like yes, we get it, RT on Nvidia based cards is superior, but the fact that you had to turn down the graphics settings due to VRAM limitations shows that, regardless of the cards performance, you had to insert a handicap just for the card to run a test properly. It's going to show how limited 8GB really is on a GPU, like I said before, we don't know what's down the pipe, but I'm sure 8GB cards aren't going to be able to push high/ultra graphics settings without a handicap. I just watched, well skimmed more like it, a video on YouTube where the guy tested 25 games with actual gameplay, and in FarCry 6 with the high res textures at 1440P was using 8GB of VRAM, and I saw another game where at 1080P it was using 9GB, I think the game was called Ascent or something. Hell even CoD Warzone at 1440P was using 11GB of VRAM.

The argument I've seen used, and it's laughable, is "That's allocated memory, so it doesn't actually require that much," and the first thought that popped into my head was, allocated still means used, still means it's required. Allocated means that no other application can use that VRAM, so regardless of what the actual usage is, allocated is still VRAM being used. Anyways, after watching that video I was surprised at some of the 4k results, high 50's, early 60's in the framerate on some good games. He was playing with all settings at in-game highest, so this card is a damn good card, regardless of what the naysayers say.
I tend to take early release AMD card benches with a pinch of salt as I have seen enough "how have the drivers improved" videos to know you can add another 10FPS to the benches at release to get a good idea.
I'm still sporting my gtx1070. My plan was to get the 6700xt when I upgrade my CPU/Mobo. But at that point prices had gone way up.

Now that prices are down or coming down I'm still looking at one.