
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Run away from reality with the Virtuix Omni. $699 setup.
Run away from reality with the Virtuix Omni

Official website with a huge preorder button for $699. Waist goes to size 44.
Virtuix Omni

What is Virtuix Omni?

More video footage is on Youtube. Here is a random one.

Anyone notice that those guys look like they should be mountain climbing instead of eating doughnuts and playing video games?
I saw these guys on shark tank. Forget if they got anybody.

They didn't, but to be completely fair they were trying to advertise a car to people who do most of their investment in horses. The investors simply didn't have the technical base to know what was on offer.
This just looks really uncomfortable, like a big wedgie machine...
This just looks really uncomfortable, like a big wedgie machine...
The guy looks like a recovering paraplegic, lol....lower the damn restraint system a bit.

I like the idea but not the execution of the Omni, to me it seems like the restraint system will constantly be in the way of a natural pose and I read somewhere that walking is unnatural feeling on the Omni because you can't stop mid stride, your feet will always want to slide back to the midpoint. Although it doesn't improve on the base of the Omni, I think the Kat Walk is a better design for this type of system. Ultimately though, assuming VR is successful, I think we will get to slim factor multi-directional treadmills....or people will come up with DIY built treadmills that run on a Raspberry Pi or something like that.
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Got a link: A full month with the Virtuix Omni - my review • /r/oculus

Apparently that paraplegic thing is because the public demos had to remain at a constant height for weight and such. You'll notice that the guy in the gif looks pretty short, so he would have to lower it a bit. The guy on reddit however rose it to it's sixth setting.

Good read, though near the end it has me thinking that you can't mimic crouching behavior with the Omni, though I could be missing that information. Being a former Marine, I want a VR experience that lets me hop into Battlefield 10,000 and do all the same things I did in real life. I don't expect, or probably want, to be able to dive or crawl around but being able to crouch behind cover and then maintain the lowered stance while running to another bit of cover would be awesome. Off-topic here but I'm surprised we haven't seen Vive demos of first person shooters where you mimic the real world grip points of a weapon with the wands. I'm sure it's just a matter of time but that would seem like a real immersion enhancer. My character is no longer chambering the next round in the shotgun automatically, I have to do the action.
Good read, though near the end it has me thinking that you can't mimic crouching behavior with the Omni, though I could be missing that information. Being a former Marine, I want a VR experience that lets me hop into Battlefield 10,000 and do all the same things I did in real life. I don't expect, or probably want, to be able to dive or crawl around but being able to crouch behind cover and then maintain the lowered stance while running to another bit of cover would be awesome. Off-topic here but I'm surprised we haven't seen Vive demos of first person shooters where you mimic the real world grip points of a weapon with the wands. I'm sure it's just a matter of time but that would seem like a real immersion enhancer. My character is no longer chambering the next round in the shotgun automatically, I have to do the action.

Yep, he mentioned that. Said that the vive wa better for job simulator, ducking down and picking up steak. but you cannot walk for ten miles playing Dear Esther, as this guy did.
This just looks really uncomfortable, like a big wedgie machine...

I'm crying. Ha ha! Thanks for making my day. Wonder if he has permanent low sperm count after wearing that harness? I hate to see a female with the harness strapped on that tightly. Unless they were role playing Lara Croft.