KM400 problems

Jun 4, 2004
My DFI KM400 skt A mobo says thaqt it requires a 250w or greater power supply, and it will not boot with my microATX 240w power supply. would this be reason enough for it not to turn on at all, or is something wrong with the mobo?
Does it require a square 4-pin P4 power connector?

If so, then you'll need to plug that in.
Sounds to me like it truly doesn't have enough power. For one thing, power supplies always tend to provide less power than they claim, so that MB is not just getting 10 less than it want's, but, potentially, more. For the sake of testing, unplug everything nonessential, even remove any unnecessary PCI cards and see if it will boot up. If you clear up enough and it really is a matter of a small amount of power, that might just be enough to get it to start and prove whether or not power is your problem.