Digital Calendar solutions

Rev. Night

Mar 30, 2004
Hey peeps,

So the wifey has a hand written calendar on the fridge, and I want to surprise her with a digital calendar, one that syncs to gmail etc.. I see Skylight makes a great solution, but it has to be plugged in at all times. I hate dealing with cables, and especially a cable on the fridge. No way in hell to fully hide that. We don't have a ton of countertop surface space to place the 10-15" touchscreen there either.

I was looking into DAKboard and putting it onto a chargeable tablet (Lenovo Tab P11 Plus (1st Gen)) . With the tablet only displaying when you touch it, in standby mode, I read it can get a good week or 2 before a charge. So that eliminates the always present cable, thats good, and I see a slew of slim fridge-tablet attachments.

Any other solutions out there? At this point, I'm refraining from a wall mirror/large surface/rasberry pi/$800 etsy option. Something smaller aka fridge placeable size.
Why not just buy a fridge with an LCD display panel & WiFi built into the door ?

That would take care of the cabling, recharging and space issues all in 1 shot :)

Did you notice that the DAKboard service requires a subscription ? This alone is an auto-NO-BUY for me !
ha yeah, we bought this fridge a few years ago.

Also, dak has a free version. plenty good enough for our needs

what if i just nailgun a laptop to the fridge hmmmmmmmm

I'll bring this up to the wife tonight (knowing it will spoil). whatever avenue she wants, i'll post pics later