A P4 2.6 HT vs. a dual modd Athlon XP to MP @ 2.3 ghz


Oct 3, 2003
Someone suggested that I put this thead( originally in "Overclocking & Cooling") in this forums, I 'm really thinking of getting either a P4 HT or a AMD Dually setup. I would really like for everyone in this thread to prove which route I should go, and why? For I'm serious in investing in the choice of going P4 or AMD dual MP's
Depends on what you use your machine for. If you are mainly a gamer, then the P4 will probably be your best bet. If you actually use your machine for other things as well as some gaming, then I'd recommend the dual. Regardless of whether your applications are SMP aware, the responsivness of the dual is unbelieveable. Gaming isn't too shabby either (my old dual XP's @ 2.37GHz and Radeon 9700 Po managed 14.5K 3DM2K1 and 5K 3DM2K3).

I have since sold that machine and changed to a P4 @ 3.5GHz and now an FX51. The P4 wasn't too bad at multi-tasking...in fact I was pleasantly surprised. The FX51 sucks big time though. Don't get me wrong, their performance when running a single program (or game) is awesome but when under load nothing compares to a dual. I am now contemplating selling the FX51 and going back to a dual....probably an Opteron 244/246 system this time.
How much would a rig like that run you, i'm trying to get up to date with dual systems so I could build my own, i would really like to get a board for cheap but that is still good.

Another question do 2500+ XP moded to MP's overclock as well as they would normally( that is, the Unlocked ones).
I was running L5 modded XP2500's. I manually modded the L3 bridges to set a default multiplier of 16. This would give me up to 2.4GHz @ 150fsb...the practical limit for an unlocked PCI/AGP bus. I was running the Iwill MPX2 motherboard and I've had it at over 166fsb - but that was with a GF3 graphics card and a SCSI RAID card which had it's own on-board clock. Using regular IDE drives at that PCI bus speed would be asking for trouble and my Radeon 9700 Pro would fail at 155fsb (77.5MHz AGP).
An AthlonXP at 2.3Ghz would give a 2.6Ghz P4 a run for its money, not even talking about duals.
Originally posted by Mark Larson
An AthlonXP at 2.3Ghz would give a 2.6Ghz P4 a run for its money, not even talking about duals.

That's right but when running a dual AMD MP/XP system, you have a lot of overhead and much lower bandwidth. The fact that the 2.6C can also be overclocked into the 3.3-3.5GHz range on air and with minimal volts increases the difference even further.

As has been mentioned, it all comes down to what tasks are going to be ran.