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  1. M

    Maximum Battery Life?

    I have a Toshiba nb200 with a 2gb ram upgrade, and can get over 8 hrs on the battery watching movies off the SD card. I usually turn bluetooth and wifi off when I'm not using them, but basic web browsing seems to last just as long. It's hard to tell exactly, because I usually only use the...
  2. M

    $400 for a Netbook -- what should I get?

    you need to first decide what's most important to you - size/screen resolution, graphics performance, or battery life?. I needed something small that had good battery life, so I ended up with a Toshiba nb200 netbook. it's your basic 10" atom n280 setup with bluetooth and wifi built-in, running...
  3. M

    The Official DOOM 3 [H]ardware Guide thread.

    disabling shadows will give you a big boost in FPS without changing the way the game looks very much. disabling the specular lighting helps too, but then the game looks like quake 3, lol.
  4. M

    Farcry + 256mb ram = :( Farcry + 768MB Ram = :)

    I just upgraded from 512mb of ram to 1gig, and noticed much faster load times in UT2004 and BFV. much less disk thrashing, and the games run a lot smoother. and when you exit the game, it goes back to the desktop much faster.
  5. M

    From 2500+ to 2,8 northwood 512 kb cache?

    I have one of the earlier mobile xp2600 barton chips. its the AQYHA stepping. Early on, the 2600s were more likely to hit higher OC's, since they start out as a bit better chip than the 2400 and 2500s. But now, just about all the newer steppings seem to be able to hit the high OC's regardless...
  6. M

    AN7 or NF7-S

    the NF7-S v2.0 supports 400mhz FSB (200*2) and then some. Many NF7-S owners running 220, 230, 240+ on the cpu FSB, producing 440 to 480mhz FSB overall
  7. M

    mushkin pc3500 level 1 vdimm to vi/o results :)

    I am tempted to do the L12 mod again... I read that it forces a 2T command rate and can negatively impact memory bandwidth. from what little testing I did, it looks like you need about 9 or 10 more mhz on a L12 modded FSB to equal the bandwidth without it (at about the same overall clock...
  8. M

    mushkin pc3500 level 1 vdimm to vi/o results :)

    just a quick update: got my gig of this ram last night, and put it in my NF7-S v2.0. at 211FSB, it will do 2-2-3-11 at 2.9volts, but running memtest produced a couple of errors on test #3, and about 3 or 4 on test #4. stopped it before it got to test 5. 2-3-3-11 at 2.8 volts looped...
  9. M

    Can your [H]ware [H]ang with D3?

    lol, I said beta but sorry anyway. the alpha I had was buggy as hell. so I guess I should revise my post and say "who the hell knows, the game isn't out yet".
  10. M

    Mobile 2600+ Just arived

    my AQYHA 2600 does 211*12 prime stable on 1.80 volts. but at first, I needed 1.85v to keep prime running. then I primed for 24 hours or so, and it let me lower it to 1.8. I guess burning it in does work.
  11. M

    mushkin pc3500 level 1 vdimm to vi/o results :)

    nice to hear the level one stuff is working well. I have a gig of the PC3500 level one coming in today. any idea on the timings I can run at 2.9volts at around 210 to 220FSB?
  12. M

    Can your [H]ware [H]ang with D3?

    I was able to see a beta version last week, and it played very well on a system similar to mine. I'm not sure what resolution its running at (800x600 maybe?) since I didn't know how to change any of the options. but it is very smooth and looks really nice. a bit creepy though...
  13. M

    Killed my XP mobile? (no boot or keyboard lights)

    maybe you got a piece of wire stuck inside the socket, connecting things its not supposed to? I guess the only way to find out is to test another working cpu, or test your cpu in a different board.
  14. M

    PC4000@1:1 CAS3 4-4-8 vs PC3500@5:4 CAS2 2-2-5 @250FSB, faster? My results inside

    yeah, I can run 220 with my Geil, but at 2.5-3-3-11. I'm going to give these sticks to my GF when I build her system next week. I'm currently looking for a couple of 512 sticks that can run 2-2-2 timings at about 220mhz, be it pc3200, 3500, or whatever will work on 2.9volts (my motherboard...
  15. M

    Athlon XP Mobo with optical out?

    also the AOpen ultra 400 boards have an optical in/out + SPDIF in/out bracket.
  16. M

    Does AGP 8x make a difference?

    switching from 8x to 4x AGP made no perceivable difference on my system. even benchmarks were about the same too (within a margin of error). I would say its NOT worth it to upgrade your motherboard. Just wait a few months or until the fall and do a major upgrade (motherboard and CPU)...
  17. M

    PC4000@1:1 CAS3 4-4-8 vs PC3500@5:4 CAS2 2-2-5 @250FSB, faster? My results inside

    since I haven't much experience with newer intel systems, I just want to make sure I understand the benches correctly: running 250FSB with a 5:4 ratio runs the ram at 200mhz, correct? so when comparing your 250FSB PC4000 benches at 1:1 to the PC3500 at 5:4, its comparing one set of ram...
  18. M

    mushkin 2-2-2 special run well at 2.9v??

    well, I have used a soldering iron before, but I don't think making random blobs of metal on things counts as skill, lol.
  19. M

    Processor temperatures: AMD vs. Intel...

    I have an xp mobile 2600+. its "stock" speed is 133*15 for ~2ghz. OC'd to 2.52ghz, it runs about 37-40C at idle on air cooling, and 49C load in prime95. The last few days, I've been running it at 2.0ghz (but 166*12 at 1.5v). so you can say its slightly OC'd, since I'm running a higher...
  20. M

    New to the NF7-S. Little help plz?

    are you trying to run 2-2-2 timings on your ram at or over 220fsb? I had to bump my cas to 2.5 to go higher than 202, but after I did that, I was able to lower my vdimm. you might want to try the L12 mod. when I had it, I had no problems reaching 224FSB before my ram maxed out. without...
  21. M

    mushkin 2-2-2 special run well at 2.9v??

    thanks... so would it be safe to say that any of those sticks (kingston, corsair, ocz) would nead greater than 2.9v to run those timings at like 215 FSB or above? I was thinking about the volt mod, but I don't have a soldering gun.... yet :)
  22. M

    mushkin 2-2-2 special run well at 2.9v??

    so I'm going to put together a system for my GF, and give her my geil pc3200 because I want to get a gig of something that can run 220mhz at good timings. My NF7-S only goes up to 2.9v on the vdimm though, and I've read that mushkin 2-2-2 special needs >3 volts to really run great. so...
  23. M

    Arctic silver 5

    Also, if you read the fine print, it says AS5 takes like 300 hrs to fully "break-in" and reach its optimum performance.
  24. M

    Upgrade xp2800 to mobile xp- worth it?

    well, I can run a higher resolution on UT2004, and it runs smoother alltogether.. more noticable in games than anything else. I probably would not have changed if my 2500 ran as good as your 2800 though. and I was able to sell my old cpu to a friend with a couple of other old parts I didn't...
  25. M

    Best Catalysts?

    I'm also using the Omega 3.9s. They do perform a bit faster for me than the 4.4s, but the real reason I'm still on the 3.9s is any later driver has openGL gamma control issues in some older games, like UT(1999), which I still play a lot. (damn, that game is 5 years old already?) And since...
  26. M

    Upgrade xp2800 to mobile xp- worth it?

    well, for *me*, it was worth it. old xp2500 needed 1.875v to run 205*11 (2.25ghz) prime stable. my mobile 2600 runs 210*12 (2.52) prime stable on 1.8v with full load temp at 49C. and its got a lot more room to OC.
  27. M

    Hitting the wall with my XP-m

    you might want to try one of tic tac's bios - either the D22 or D23. Those seem to work very well. I got my xpm over a month ago, and I'm starting to feel a lot better about spending the extra few bux for an xpm2600.
  28. M

    Aerocool HT-101 heatsink/fan review

    I also had a thermalright 947 series heatsink, and while it lower, its also wider at the top, and was really close to the PSU (I have a cheap azz raidmax mid-tower case). And my 92mm fan was actually touching the bottom of the power supply I found its actually easier to remove the...
  29. M

    Newegg steppings-Mobile Bartons

    I got an AQYHA xpm2600 a little more than a month ago. 2.52 ghz at 1.8v (in bios, my board slightly undervolts) 2.64 ghz at 1.875v haven't got it stable at 2.7 or higher tho. now I kinda wanna get rid of it and get a newer stepping, LOL never satisfied. anyone want an almost...
  30. M

    Aerocool HT-101 heatsink/fan review

    I got the HT-101 a few weeks ago, and really like it. I swapped the fan for an enermax adjustable 80mm for a little extra cooling. I have it set pretty low though (except I can't tell exactly because for some reason my mobo is not picking up the rpm signal on this stupid fan). anyway...
  31. M

    safe to raise vcore voltage on xp 2500?

    As long as you have a decent HSF, raise it up. I had mine at 1.875v w/ no problems. 1.7v or abouts isn't much really.
  32. M

    2600+ mobile temps running at 125 degrees F

    hmm.. If those are your temps at idle, than that's not too good. be sure to wait a few minutes and check temps again. I've noticed that temps are a little higher right after booting up, and then drop a few degrees after the pc is allowed to sit for a few minutes. 125F = about 52C, which...
  33. M

    3dmark score low?

    I got 19,3xx at 2.52ghz (210*12) at 2.62 (210*12.5) I get 19,6xx. I'm running my memory at CAS 2.5, 3, 3, 11. If I had some better memory that could do 2, 2, 2, 11, would that make a difference? maybe push me to 20k??
  34. M

    Couple questions regarding mobile 2400+/2500+...

    Is that just a limitation of the ASUS board? I was using multis up to 15 with my 2600+ in an abit board (see sig).
  35. M

    A64 3200+ vs XP-M 2.6ghz my short review

    nice writeup. Interesting results too.. I guess I have my XPM system a bit more optimized, because my benchmark scores on my rig are higher than yours, even though I'm running at a lower frequency right now. I'm running 210 x 12 (2.52ghz) right now. my 3Dmark2001se is 19,3xx, and...
  36. M

    Downsides to doing the wire in the socket mod??

    I did some testing with and without the L12 mod. I was reading that the L12 mod can cause some loss in bandwidth at the same FSB speeds when compared to stock. According to my tests, this is true. but if you have some good memory, the L12 mod can get you to much higher FSB speeds which...
  37. M

    Questions about different mobile bartons

    there shouldn't be much difference, but the 2600 is supposed to start out as a better quality chip, as some people with 2400s seem to hit a wall around 2.5ghz. I have a 2600, and run 2.53ghz daily, prime stable, air cooling, without a hitch. I can run 2.64ghz fine in windows, and...
  38. M

    Wait... I thought I had a 3200...

    Where did you get the processor? your motherboard is defaulting to a 166mhz front side bus. Go into your BIOS, and look for the screen that shows your clock frequencies.. change your FSB to 200 (multiplier should already be 11), save and reboot. should read as 3200 now. and...
  39. M

    Whee! RMAed a PNY Ti4400 got back a FX5600 Ultra

    I had to RMA my PNY GF4 ti 4400 last year, but got back another 4400. Still working last I checked (now in my spare PC). overall I was happy I didn't have to buy a new video card.
  40. M

    Bios for NF7-S

    try TicTac's D22 bios. works good for me.