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  1. Nicklebon

    TunnelVision vulnerability: Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose

    I really have a problem with this being called an attack. It is just basic routing working the way it is intended to work. More specific routes always take precedence over less specific routes and anyone that knows anything about networking knows this or at least should. Can this knowledge be...
  2. Nicklebon

    Any Prosumer/Enterprise-ish Wireless Access Points I'm missing?

    Not really, though a cheap switch that doesn't support igmp snooping would probably resort to flooding all ports vs dropping. I am speaking about typical unicast traffic. In general any time the switch doesn't know what specific port the destination MAC is on it floods the ports with the unicast...
  3. Nicklebon

    Any Prosumer/Enterprise-ish Wireless Access Points I'm missing?

    I can't speak for OP but my guess is good old fashion $$. I have a new be AP I am testing that needs bt poe and my otherwise perfectly good poe switch can't provide enough power. I spent $55 on a 95watt injector vs a couple grand on a new 48port bt enabled switch. That said, I will be getting a...
  4. Nicklebon

    Any Prosumer/Enterprise-ish Wireless Access Points I'm missing?

    BE was just ratified and BN is years away.
  5. Nicklebon

    Any Prosumer/Enterprise-ish Wireless Access Points I'm missing?

    LOL there are many legitimate reason for a switch to forward traffic to all ports/all ports in a vlan. There are also many not so legitimate reason to do so. Also, technically per standard, there is no such thing as a gigabit hub.
  6. Nicklebon

    Any Prosumer/Enterprise-ish Wireless Access Points I'm missing?

    There's more to switches than forwarding traffic. Sure they might apparently handle line rate but are they flooding ports doing it? Many do. I've got a tp link switch placed inline between an ONT and a certain ISP's gateway specifically because it doesn't handle vlan tags correctly and forwards...
  7. Nicklebon

    Any Prosumer/Enterprise-ish Wireless Access Points I'm missing?

    You might can "get by" with it but you shouldn't. All consumer networking gear is utter garbage and it is because it's garbage we are stuck with stupid standards. Anyone in the security realm will tell you wired and wireless should **NOT** be treated the same yet almost if not all home networks...
  8. Nicklebon

    Net Neutrality expected to be reinstated after officials vote on 4/25/2024

    As I said there are a very few exceptions. I'll point that it get's worse before it gets better, essentially what you're saying, is also often used and generally untrue. I honestly prefer a government that is deadlocked and can accomplish little to nothing outside the necessary and net...
  9. Nicklebon

    Net Neutrality expected to be reinstated after officials vote on 4/25/2024

    We're from the government and we're here to help. Most of you should know well enough that with very few exceptions everything a bureaucracy as big and convoluted as the US government gets involved with gets worse not better.
  10. Nicklebon

    How do you access a vlan from a computer that's not part of the vlan?

    Generally speaking on most firewalling devices once a packet is dropped the firewall is done with it. There is no additional processing. You generally start by denying traffic to known malicious destinations and/or geographies then drop specific traffic ordered by volume highest to lowest. Once...
  11. Nicklebon

    VPN real protection for websites?

    The same reason we have DoT and its bastard should be killed cousin DoH ... ISPs behaving badly. The assholes started with answering nxdomain with ads and went downhill from there. The entire community should have raised hell when that started but instead the unwashed masses thought it useful.
  12. Nicklebon

    VPN real protection for websites?

    The whole HTTPS everywhere thing is getting worse. Encrypted client hello (ECH) is going to make web filtering a nightmare. The plus side is it will either force businesses to finally break down and do TLS inspection or push everyone to fully managed endpoints.
  13. Nicklebon

    VPN real protection for websites?

    Please tell me your boxes were not bright green or depend on an add in accelerator card. :) Going to add that a VM still lives on my ESXi box named SR-XP-Test. The SR standing for secure remote.
  14. Nicklebon

    VPN real protection for websites?

    to be clear BLS said hotspot not website. As far as a sketchy or more to point malicious website goes, visiting would be enough. How long you stay matters not. That is generally the side effect of websites detecting an address used by commercial VPNs. This would almost certainly not happen...
  15. Nicklebon

    Replacement WiFi Router for my dad

    Thanks for the vids! Placed the order for ER and AP. Will do most of the preconfig here and do the install over Easter. After all, what are holidays with the family for if not tech support? :)
  16. Nicklebon

    Replacement WiFi Router for my dad

    Have almost the exact same need ie replacing parent's ancient gear. Would prefer not to buy more Fortigear for them and these TP-Link devices may do the job. Nail up an ipsec tunnel and manage it all from here. Just to be clear the router and AP have built in ui and no sort of app or cloud...
  17. Nicklebon

    Google Blocking RCS on rooted Droids

    To prevent spam and abuse, Google says that it will block the use of Rich Communication Services (RCS) on Android phones that have been rooted. By rooting your phone, you can get access to areas of the Android system where users are usually not allowed to go...
  18. Nicklebon

    Can IPv4 tunneled in IPv6 (or vice versa) handle any traffic/protocol types?

    There is no "hard time." The minimum mtu in ipv6 is 1280 and in general is often the maximum. :) Assuming you're the one doing the encap, hard code your end to 1280 and you'll likely see no issues.
  19. Nicklebon

    Apple to make the App Store less intuitive with more prompts to level the playing field, accidently rolls it out ahead of ruling.

    Don't own or use Mac. As far as what I do on the phone, more to point don't do, it's safe to say I am likely in the <1% group. Again, people that buy Apple buy it with their eyes open. Get the fuck over it and go cuddle your android device you love so much.
  20. Nicklebon

    Apple to make the App Store less intuitive with more prompts to level the playing field, accidently rolls it out ahead of ruling.

    A sticky customer is the goal of everyone selling a product. How many android users use gmail? Is that an accident? That said, both can be, and in Apple's case is, true. Which was exactly my expectation when I bought in. I've had an android phone and I still own an android tablet though these...
  21. Nicklebon

    Apple to make the App Store less intuitive with more prompts to level the playing field, accidently rolls it out ahead of ruling.

    Phones are special because they have access to our lives in ways most other computing devices do not. For example my laptop never been in a bathroom or locker room but my phone has. As I said earlier Apple has more to loose when it comes to their store. As has been shown already they do a better...
  22. Nicklebon

    Help Request: 3 computers - one Synology - two switches

    Well you're going to do cable runs no matter what so there is zero reason for two switches. Use the saved cash and get single switch with more port density. Locate the switch centrally and run your spoke runs to the where you need them. Once again I am stunned by just how shitty consumer gear...
  23. Nicklebon

    Help Request: 3 computers - one Synology - two switches

    Why daisy chain the switches vs feeding directly from the nighthawk? For that matter why the intermediate switch at all? I'd also look at my traffic patterns and attach the nas to the switch with the highest number of clients accessing the nas.
  24. Nicklebon

    Apple to make the App Store less intuitive with more prompts to level the playing field, accidently rolls it out ahead of ruling.

    Say that out loud and listen to how ridiculous it sounds. Why would you ever have the same level of trust with a third party that you have with yourself? It's their platform and they have the most to loose when something goes wrong.
  25. Nicklebon

    WireGuard - public-private key pair vs session keys

    Yes, that reason is called shoulder surfing. For anything beyond that it is pointless and there are valid reasons for those keys to be visible at least some of the time. A key logger would parse keystrokes and a screen scraper would capture anything that ever appears that ever appears in the...
  26. Nicklebon

    If the wireless signal strength of a fibre modem is weak, what are the remedies?

    Guess I'm changing my name to Nemo. I ran at least a dozen runs from my basement to my attic through not one but two floors. A few of those then go from a patch panel in attic to second floor and others outside for cameras. I also ran 6 runs from the basement to my AV cabinet on the mains floor...
  27. Nicklebon

    Slightly OT: How you get your voicemails and texts when travelling in Europe with a Euro-based SIM card?

    Correct will do nothing for text but, imessage will continue to work as always as it is tied to his apple id and anyone sending sms from an android device isn't worth thinking about so their texts just don't matter. :) Voicemail is a race condition between ATT and GV depending on settings.
  28. Nicklebon

    ESXi free 8.0 seems to be the last one !

    Typing in ridda results in riddance being suggested on every device I tried so ... probably not. I'm honestly leaning towards this being deliberate which is just sad.
  29. Nicklebon

    ESXi free 8.0 seems to be the last one !

    Okay genuine question because this the probably 10th time, not from you, I've seen this in the last few weeks in multiple places. Are you trying to say good riddance and just don't know any better or this some new perversion like "on accident" or something else completely?
  30. Nicklebon

    Slightly OT: How you get your voicemails and texts when travelling in Europe with a Euro-based SIM card?

    Your missing the point ... Call forward ATT voice to google while your away.
  31. Nicklebon

    Slightly OT: How you get your voicemails and texts when travelling in Europe with a Euro-based SIM card?

    Since your using iphones then imessage will continue to work as usual as that is tied to apple ID. Voicemail will be going US number which is tied to your US SIM so ... Going forward may be wise to get a google voice number and use that as it will follow the ID vs the SIM. This is another...
  32. Nicklebon

    Larian CEO Rails Against Game Subscription Models

    1. No 2. No as using the property of others is illegal AF 3. As far as public companies go ... no. Seriously read up on SEC rules for public companies.
  33. Nicklebon

    Larian CEO Rails Against Game Subscription Models

    As I stated earlier wealth is the accumulation of something of value. Thank you for saying the same thing with appropriated words. If someone is not willing to exchange something of value for a widget/service then that widget or service has no value. In your example having more sheep than is...
  34. Nicklebon

    Larian CEO Rails Against Game Subscription Models

    Your conflating the transient price of the stock, almost exclusively emotionally driven in today's markets, with the actual value of the company's coffers.
  35. Nicklebon

    Larian CEO Rails Against Game Subscription Models

    You are confusing wealth with intellectual property, widgets or services. These are not the same. Wealth is the accumulation of something of value. If no one pays for the IP, widget or service then it has 0 value. The only wealth a company produces is money customers pay for its products whether...
  36. Nicklebon

    Larian CEO Rails Against Game Subscription Models

    WTF?? Shareholders do not produce wealth. IPOs produce revenue for a company when they happen then its done. Afterwards shareholders absorb company profits in the form of dividends, stock appreciation or both. Failure to produce said profits will result in the shareholders demanding changes in...
  37. Nicklebon

    DIY Home server room cooling, ideas/inputs

    You would need a separate air cleaner rated for at least the the size of the room. These will usually have a carbon type prefilter and a replaceable hepa type filter. If properly sized and placed a good unit will clean all the air a room several times an hour. You would also want good filter on...
  38. Nicklebon

    Neighbors puppy chewed my HPG2 cable

    Too bad the circuit was GFI. :>
  39. Nicklebon

    If the wireless signal strength of a fibre modem is weak, what are the remedies?

    It should be this WALL ----------co-ax cable --------bridge/cable modem ---ethernet---router --------- tv, pc, gaming console, switch or whatever (wirelessly or wired) (the beacon 2 should be sitting beside the trashcan unplugged from everything at this point) The as you described it...
  40. Nicklebon

    If the wireless signal strength of a fibre modem is weak, what are the remedies?

    There is no ONT involved. OP said service is DOCSIS in #9. ISP uses words incorrectly in their marketing.