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  1. J

    What is wrong with B&W speakers?

    I had been reading about speakers and came across many negative post and reviews about B&Ws. It is kind of hard to understand why there is negativity... I do have a set of B&W Speakers, but looking for upgrade. Just wondering what others find displeasing about B&W sound?
  2. J

    Help me Choose RTX 3060 12 GB or RTX 4060 8GB

    hi all i had a GTX 1060 6GB and it died last month I am hoping to buy a new GPU in the coming weeks and I am a bit confused about which one to go please Help me Choose RTX 3060 12 GB or RTX 4060 8 GB? will the 8GB in 4060 will be an issue in the future? if I go with the 3060 12 GB will it be...