Search results

  1. N

    Anyone located in/around the Columbia SC area?

    My HDD's recently died and I treid to have a buddy fiddle with them with no luck. He said that 1 of the drives was detected when plugged in but he can't format it or look at it. I believe the other drive is crapped out, but I don't have an external set up for these internal drives to mess with...
  2. N

    A few questions about Windows7 on an..."older" system

    Well I built my system around Xmas '06...ya dated I know. Since then I've been out of the hardware and HardForum circle for quite some time. Please bare with me. So it seems both my HDD's have died, neither are recognized in my PC nor in an external setup for data retrieval. This brings me...
  3. N

    Review, sort of: Coolit Eliminator

    *UPDATE* 2007-06-13 So i finally got around to emailing CoolIt, seeing as calling them is a bit difficult with a 14hr time dif :rolleyes: Anywho here are the emails: Dear Mr. Schisler, Obviously the unit has failed to the point that there is nothing you can do to correct the problem. We...
  4. N

    no audio through my monitor

    I've tried using the search function, sorry if i missed it on the umpteenth page. Wierd thing, see i have a headphone audio jack that went from my laptop to my monitor. It works fine, headphone jack -> headphone jack input on monitor. Now the problem is when i unlpug it from my laptop...
  5. N

    been a lurker, now i'm a n00b, quick question

    hello everyone, first post and its the dumbest one, i already know. i was registering and i read "no yahoo or hotmail accounts" would be accepted. Understandable, but i tried using my gmail account several times and it wouldn't take. Even after registering using a proper email account, i...