Recent content by runs2far

  1. R

    10 Million Point Challenge

    9 projects with Gerasim@home.
  2. R

    1 Million point challenge

    Been a couple of years since I last checked, looks like I'm at 23 now. free-dc claims 24, but I have LHC@Home 1.0 & LHC Dev@Home at the exact same amount of points.
  3. R

    End of an era

    Could be the MB failing to measure voltages, have you checked the voltages reported in BIOS?
  4. R

    Do Bluetooth to USB adapters exist?

    Bluetooth is designed for low power, not high transfer speed, so you would not get a pleasant experience from having anything other than mice, keyboards etc. connected using Bluetooth. I do not think anyone would bother creating such a device, as the good usage scenarios are very limited.
  5. R

    10 Million Point Challenge

    Just hit #8 with LHC@Home
  6. R

    SiDock@home September Sailing team challenge - 2021

    Yes, I got a slice of the pie.
  7. R

    Nomination: DC'er of the Month: July 2021

    I nominate ByteDown[H]ard, top 10 producer and top 10 team rank in f@h.
  8. R

    1 Million point challenge

    Sidock@home is my #21
  9. R

    Nomination: DC'er of the Month: March 2021

    I nominate howmanybacons, he/she is maintaining a nice steady folding output and bacon.
  10. R

    10 Million Point Challenge

    Hit #7 with Amicable Numbers.
  11. R

    10 Million Point Challenge

    Hit #6 with universe@Home.
  12. R

    LHC projects

    Running Ubuntu 18.04 is getting a bit old, so I have spend some time on getting this to work with 20.04. I do not have a fresh 20.04 install to test this on at the moment, so I do not know if this works out of the box. My previous post for getting CernVM-FS is still valid and should be...
  13. R

    1 Million point challenge

    Just added nfs home as my 20th project with 1 million points