Recent content by dbzlotrfan

  1. D

    A new gaming computer for 2024

    -PC Use: -- Diablo 1/2/3, Warcraft 2/3. Stardew (Modded, with SVE if I can get it working), Bloodstained, grim dawn, various Sony games releases on Steam. If you want to see what I've played and or my wishlist. Also, GOG. If possible, I'd like to try...
  2. D

    A replacement (new) GPU for $500

    Wouldn't a 2070 (super) probably require a new Power Supply?
  3. D

    A replacement (new) GPU for $500

    If people are going to suggest I replace the CPU/RAM/Motherboard as well then I guess I should replace them. Total budget: ~$900 (if the GPU is $500 alone) - USB 3 (+) support - NVME support (I'd like to try to use an NVME SSD for the OS) - Probably a minimum of 32 GB. I'm fine (for the...
  4. D

    A replacement (new) GPU for $500

    What will you be doing with this PC? Be as specific as possible, and include specific games or programs you will be using. Games (in no real specific order): DOOM (2016)/eternal /newer wolfensteins Skyrim/Oblivion/Morrowind (all heavily modded) /other Baldur's Gate 3 The Witcher 3/Cyberpunk...
  5. D

    CPU/Motherboard (/GPU) for virtualization (GPU passthrough)

    I think it'd probably be better to do a "small" or medium ish upgrade, newer parts, being sold . . . Then several years from now when 4k, higher refresh rates, larger capacity HDD/SSDs and more (and faster) is/are cheaper do a complete overhaul (except probably the case, I'd imagine). Did Intel...
  6. D

    CPU/Motherboard (/GPU) for virtualization (GPU passthrough)

    @Dangman, my current part list (of the system I built in about April of 2013 and since then have updated some. If I hadn't have gotten the k series of ivy bridge i7 and had a motherboard that allowed what I wanted I'd probably would be able to do GPU passthrough - and since I can't and want to...
  7. D

    CPU/Motherboard (/GPU) for virtualization (GPU passthrough)

    - Budget & Location: Would $800 be enough? And USA - What is your intended use for this build? The more details the better. *Able to pass a second GPU through to a virtual machine of Windows 7 (or Windows 8.1/10) to play Windows games on a Linux distro. And when I can/feel like it, playing...
  8. D

    [Linux] - Cannot add ppa: 'no json object could be decoded'. linux mint 17.2

    I am on Linux Mint 17.2 (Cinnamon as DE) (with kernel installed and loaded) and I'm getting this message when trying to add a PPA via the terminal: Cannot add ppa: 'no json object could be decoded'. What is the cause and what is the fix? Secondly, I think I installe GzDoom...
  9. D

    Computer parts for virtaulization

    Guess I should ask - could I use something like virtualbox or would I have to use some other virtual machine program?
  10. D

    Alphabet, Microsoft, Amazon Give Wall Street Reason To Cheer

    Alphabet is the "new parent' company for google (if you didn't know).
  11. D

    Computer parts for virtaulization

    I would like to at some point (see fourth bullet point below) replace my CPU (and my motherboard if necessary) and perhaps a second GPU (or replace my current one) for virtaulization - run a native linux distro (like Mint) and run a virtual machine of Windows while passing through a gpu...
  12. D

    Good 11-14 inch ultrabook? And e-book readers?

    Also the ebook reader will be that and that alone, no music, no games, no video, just books - if it's a android tablet (Nexus 7) I may use it for some apps that (aren't?) on android phones.
  13. D

    Good 11-14 inch ultrabook? And e-book readers?

    I am somewhat in need of a new laptop to take notes at school with . . . I also want something like a kindle (or reasonable sized tablet(?)) for e-books Ultrabook: 11-14 inches 2-~4 pounds I have a little bit of scoliosis . . . so not too heavy a system, but not too light that I hate...
  14. D

    A good long lasting gaming and multipurpose rig?

    I am a tad colorblind (red-green) so unless I'm playing some games (bejeweled 3, shooters, etc) I doubt TN or IPS would make that much a difference to my eyes. What boards from ASUS, Gigabyte & MSI would be better? First and foremost I want UEFI when booting the computer, an eSATA port would be...
  15. D

    Windows 8 Editions announced

    I think I saw a different chart on Wiki that had a "no" for language swapping. Now just curious for price and launch window (see my 2nd thread as to why) :D:cool: